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Inherits: ERC1155Holder, Multicall

Author: Axicon Labs Limited

Manages positions, collateral, liquidations and forced exercises.

State Variables


Lower price bound used when no slippage check is required.

int24 internal constant MIN_SWAP_TICK = Constants.MIN_V3POOL_TICK - 1;


Upper price bound used when no slippage check is required.

int24 internal constant MAX_SWAP_TICK = Constants.MAX_V3POOL_TICK + 1;


Flag that signals to compute premia for both the short and long legs of a position.

bool internal constant COMPUTE_ALL_PREMIA = true;


Flag that signals to compute premia only for the long legs of a position.

bool internal constant COMPUTE_LONG_PREMIA = false;


Flag that indicates only to include the share of (settled) premium that is available to collect when calling _calculateAccumulatedPremia.

bool internal constant ONLY_AVAILABLE_PREMIUM = false;


Flag that signals to commit both collected Uniswap fees and settled long premium to s_settledTokens.

bool internal constant COMMIT_LONG_SETTLED = true;


Flag that signals to only commit collected Uniswap fees to s_settledTokens.

bool internal constant DONOT_COMMIT_LONG_SETTLED = false;


Flag for _checkSolvency to indicate that an account should be solvent at all input ticks.

bool internal constant ASSERT_SOLVENCY = true;


Flag for _checkSolvency to indicate that an account should be insolvent at all input ticks.

bool internal constant ASSERT_INSOLVENCY = false;


Flag that signals to add a new position to the user's positions hash (as opposed to removing an existing position).

bool internal constant ADD = true;


The minimum window (in seconds) used to calculate the TWAP price for solvency checks during liquidations.

uint32 internal constant TWAP_WINDOW = 600;


The maximum allowed delta between the currentTick and the Uniswap TWAP tick during a liquidation (~5% down, ~5.26% up).

Mitigates manipulation of the currentTick that causes positions to be liquidated at a less favorable price.

int256 internal constant MAX_TWAP_DELTA_LIQUIDATION = 513;


The maximum allowed cumulative delta between the fast & slow oracle tick, the current & slow oracle tick, and the last-observed & slow oracle tick.

Falls back on the more conservative (less solvent) tick during times of extreme volatility, where the price moves ~10% in <4 minutes.

int256 internal constant MAX_TICKS_DELTA = 953;


The maximum allowed ratio for a single chunk, defined as removedLiquidity / netLiquidity.

The long premium spread multiplier that corresponds with the MAX_SPREAD value depends on VEGOID, which can be explored in this calculator:

uint64 internal constant MAX_SPREAD = 9 * (2 ** 32);


The maximum allowed number of opened positions for a user.

uint64 internal constant MAX_POSITIONS = 32;


Multiplier in basis points for the collateral requirement in the event of a buying power decrease, such as minting or force exercising another user.

uint256 internal constant BP_DECREASE_BUFFER = 13_333;


Multiplier for the collateral requirement in the general case.

uint256 internal constant NO_BUFFER = 10_000;


The "engine" of Panoptic - manages AMM liquidity and executes all mints/burns/exercises.

SemiFungiblePositionManager internal immutable SFPM;


The Uniswap V3 pool that this instance of Panoptic is deployed on.

IUniswapV3Pool internal s_univ3pool;


Stores a sorted set of 8 price observations used to compute the internal median oracle price.

uint256 internal s_miniMedian;


Collateral vault for token0 in the Uniswap pool.

CollateralTracker internal s_collateralToken0;


Collateral vault for token1 in the Uniswap pool.

CollateralTracker internal s_collateralToken1;


Nested mapping that tracks the option formation: address => tokenId => leg => premiaGrowth.

Premia growth is taking a snapshot of the chunk premium in SFPM, which is measuring the amount of fees collected for every chunk per unit of liquidity (net or short, depending on the isLong value of the specific leg index).

mapping(address account => mapping(TokenId tokenId => mapping(uint256 leg => LeftRightUnsigned premiaGrowth))) internal


Per-chunk last value that gives the aggregate amount of premium owed to all sellers when multiplied by the total amount of liquidity totalLiquidity.

`totalGrossPremium = totalLiquidity (grossPremium(perLiquidityX64) - lastGrossPremium(perLiquidityX64)) / 2*64`

Used to compute the denominator for the fraction of premium available to sellers to collect.

LeftRight - right slot is token0, left slot is token1.

mapping(bytes32 chunkKey => LeftRightUnsigned lastGrossPremium) internal s_grossPremiumLast;


Per-chunk accumulator for tokens owed to sellers that have been settled and are now available.

This number increases when buyers pay long premium and when tokens are collected from Uniswap.

It decreases when sellers close positions and collect the premium they are owed.

LeftRight - right slot is token0, left slot is token1.

mapping(bytes32 chunkKey => LeftRightUnsigned settledTokens) internal s_settledTokens;


Tracks the position size of a tokenId for a given user, and the pool utilizations and oracle tick values at the time of last mint.

mapping(address account => mapping(TokenId tokenId => PositionBalance positionBalance)) internal s_positionBalance;


Tracks the position list hash (i.e keccak256(XORs of abi.encodePacked(positionIdList))).

The order and content of this list (the preimage for the hash) is emitted in an event every time it is changed.

A component of this hash also tracks the total number of positions (i.e. makes sure the length of the provided positionIdList matches).

The purpose of this system is to reduce storage usage when a user has more than one active position.

Instead of having to manage an unwieldy storage array and do lots of loads, we just store a hash of the array.

This hash can be cheaply verified on every operation with a user provided positionIdList - which can then be used for operations without having to every load any other data from storage.

mapping(address account => uint256 positionsHash) internal s_positionsHash;



Store the address of the canonical SemiFungiblePositionManager (SFPM) contract.

constructor(SemiFungiblePositionManager _sfpm);


_sfpmSemiFungiblePositionManagerThe address of the SFPM


Initializes a Panoptic Pool on top of an existing Uniswap V3 + collateral vault pair.

Must be called first (by a factory contract) before any transaction can occur.

function startPool(
IUniswapV3Pool _univ3pool,
address token0,
address token1,
CollateralTracker collateralTracker0,
CollateralTracker collateralTracker1
) external;


_univ3poolIUniswapV3PoolAddress of the target Uniswap V3 pool
token0addressAddress of the pool's token0
token1addressAddress of the pool's token1
collateralTracker0CollateralTrackerAddress of the collateral vault for token0
collateralTracker1CollateralTrackerAddress of the collateral vault for token1


Reverts if the caller has a lower collateral balance than required to meet the provided minValue0 and minValue1.

Can be used for composable slippage checks with multicall (such as for a force exercise or liquidation).

function assertMinCollateralValues(uint256 minValue0, uint256 minValue1) external view;


minValue0uint256The minimum acceptable token0 value of collateral
minValue1uint256The minimum acceptable token1 value of collateral


Determines if account is eligible to withdraw or transfer collateral.

Checks whether account is solvent with BP_DECREASE_BUFFER according to _validateSolvency.

Prevents insolvent and near-insolvent accounts from withdrawing collateral before they are liquidated.

Reverts if account is not solvent with BP_DECREASE_BUFFER.

function validateCollateralWithdrawable(address user, TokenId[] calldata positionIdList) external view;


useraddressThe account to check for collateral withdrawal eligibility
positionIdListTokenId[]The list of all option positions held by user


Returns the total amount of premium accumulated for a list of positions and a list containing the corresponding PositionBalance information for each position.

function getAccumulatedFeesAndPositionsData(address user, bool includePendingPremium, TokenId[] calldata positionIdList)
returns (LeftRightUnsigned, LeftRightUnsigned, uint256[2][] memory);


useraddressAddress of the user that owns the positions
includePendingPremiumboolIf true, include premium that is owed to the user but has not yet settled; if false, only include premium that is available to collect
positionIdListTokenId[]List of positions. Written as [tokenId1, tokenId2, ...]


<none>LeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of premium owed (which may includePendingPremium) to the short legs in positionIdList (token0: right slot, token1: left slot)
<none>LeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of premium owed by the long legs in positionIdList (token0: right slot, token1: left slot)
<none>uint256[2][]A list of PositionBalance data (balance and pool utilization/oracle ticks at last mint) for each position, of the form [[tokenId0, PositionBalance_0], [tokenId1, PositionBalance_1], ...]


Calculate the accumulated premia owed from the option buyer to the option seller.

function _calculateAccumulatedPremia(
address user,
TokenId[] calldata positionIdList,
bool computeAllPremia,
bool includePendingPremium,
int24 atTick
) internal view returns (LeftRightUnsigned shortPremium, LeftRightUnsigned longPremium, uint256[2][] memory balances);


useraddressThe holder of options
positionIdListTokenId[]The list of all option positions held by user
computeAllPremiaboolWhether to compute accumulated premia for all legs held by the user (true), or just owed premia for long legs (false)
includePendingPremiumboolIf true, include premium that is owed to the user but has not yet settled; if false, only include premium that is available to collect
atTickint24The current tick of the Uniswap pool


shortPremiumLeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of premium owed (which may includePendingPremium) to the short legs in positionIdList (token0: right slot, token1: left slot)
longPremiumLeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of premium owed by the long legs in positionIdList (token0: right slot, token1: left slot)
balancesuint256[2][]A list of balances and pool utilization for each position, of the form [[tokenId0, balances0], [tokenId1, balances1], ...]


Updates the internal median with the last Uniswap observation if the MEDIAN_PERIOD has elapsed.

function pokeMedian() external;


Validates the current options of the user, and mints a new position.

function mintOptions(
TokenId[] calldata positionIdList,
uint128 positionSize,
uint64 effectiveLiquidityLimitX32,
int24 tickLimitLow,
int24 tickLimitHigh
) external;


positionIdListTokenId[]The list of currently held positions by the user, where the newly minted position(token) will be the last element in positionIdList
positionSizeuint128The size of the position to be minted, expressed in terms of the asset
effectiveLiquidityLimitX32uint64Maximum amount of "spread" defined as removedLiquidity/netLiquidity for a new position and denominated as X32 = (ratioLimit * 2^32)
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price


Closes and burns the caller's entire balance of tokenId.

function burnOptions(TokenId tokenId, TokenId[] calldata newPositionIdList, int24 tickLimitLow, int24 tickLimitHigh)


tokenIdTokenIdThe tokenId of the option position to be burnt
newPositionIdListTokenId[]The new positionIdList without the token being burnt
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price


Closes and burns the caller's entire balance of each tokenId in `positionIdList.

function burnOptions(
TokenId[] calldata positionIdList,
TokenId[] calldata newPositionIdList,
int24 tickLimitLow,
int24 tickLimitHigh
) external;


positionIdListTokenId[]The list of tokenIds for the option positions to be burnt
newPositionIdListTokenId[]The new positionIdList without the token(s) being burnt
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price


Validates the current options of the user, and mints a new position.

function _mintOptions(
TokenId[] calldata positionIdList,
uint128 positionSize,
uint64 effectiveLiquidityLimitX32,
int24 tickLimitLow,
int24 tickLimitHigh
) internal;


positionIdListTokenId[]The list of currently held positions by the user, where the newly minted position(token) will be the last element in positionIdList
positionSizeuint128The size of the position to be minted, expressed in terms of the asset
effectiveLiquidityLimitX32uint64Maximum amount of "spread" defined as removedLiquidity/netLiquidity for a new position and denominated as X32 = (ratioLimit * 2^32)
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price


Move all the required liquidity to/from the AMM and settle any required collateral deltas.

function _mintInSFPMAndUpdateCollateral(
TokenId tokenId,
uint128 positionSize,
uint64 effectiveLiquidityLimitX32,
int24 tickLimitLow,
int24 tickLimitHigh
) internal returns (uint32 poolUtilizations, LeftRightUnsigned commissions);


tokenIdTokenIdThe option position to be minted
positionSizeuint128The size of the position, expressed in terms of the asset
effectiveLiquidityLimitX32uint64Maximum amount of "spread" defined as removedLiquidity/netLiquidity
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price


poolUtilizationsuint32Packing of the pool utilization (how much funds are in the Panoptic pool versus the AMM pool) at the time of minting, right 64bits for token0 and left 64bits for token1. When safeMode is active, it returns 100% pool utilization for both tokens
commissionsLeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of commissions (base rate + ITM spread) paid for token0 (right) and token1 (left)


Take the commission fees for minting tokenId and settle any other required collateral deltas.

function _payCommissionAndWriteData(TokenId tokenId, uint128 positionSize, LeftRightSigned totalSwapped, bool isCovered)
returns (uint32, LeftRightUnsigned);


tokenIdTokenIdThe option position
positionSizeuint128The size of the position, expressed in terms of the asset
totalSwappedLeftRightSignedThe amount of tokens moved during creation of the option position
isCoveredboolWhether the option was minted as covered (no swap occured if ITM)


<none>uint32Packing of the pool utilization (how much funds are in the Panoptic pool versus the AMM pool at the time of minting), right 64bits for token0 and left 64bits for token1, defined as (inAMM * 10_000) / totalAssets() where totalAssets is the total tracked assets in the AMM and PanopticPool minus fees and donations to the Panoptic pool
<none>LeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of commissions (base rate + ITM spread) paid for token0 (right) and token1 (left)


Close all options in positionIdList.

function _burnAllOptionsFrom(
address owner,
int24 tickLimitLow,
int24 tickLimitHigh,
bool commitLongSettled,
TokenId[] calldata positionIdList
) internal returns (LeftRightSigned netPaid, LeftRightSigned[4][] memory premiasByLeg);


owneraddressThe owner of the option position to be closed
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price on each option close
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price on each option close
commitLongSettledboolWhether to commit the long premium that will be settled to storage (disabled during liquidations)
positionIdListTokenId[]The list of option positions to close


netPaidLeftRightSignedThe net amount of tokens paid after closing the positions
premiasByLegLeftRightSigned[4][]The amount of premia paid by the user for each leg of the position


Close a single option position.

function _burnOptions(bool commitLongSettled, TokenId tokenId, address owner, int24 tickLimitLow, int24 tickLimitHigh)
returns (LeftRightSigned paidAmounts, LeftRightSigned[4] memory premiaByLeg);


commitLongSettledboolWhether to commit the long premium that will be settled to storage (disabled during liquidations)
tokenIdTokenIdThe option position to burn
owneraddressThe owner of the option position to be burned
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price on each option close
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price on each option close


paidAmountsLeftRightSignedThe net amount of tokens paid after closing the position
premiaByLegLeftRightSigned[4]The amount of premia paid by the user for each leg of the position


Validates the solvency of user.

Falls back to the most conservative (least solvent) oracle tick if the sum of the squares of the deltas between all oracle ticks exceeds MAX_TICKS_DELTA^2.

Effectively, this means that the users must be solvent at all oracle ticks if the at least one of the ticks is sufficiently stale.

function _validateSolvency(address user, TokenId[] calldata positionIdList, uint256 buffer)
returns (uint256);


useraddressThe account to validate
positionIdListTokenId[]The list of positions to validate solvency for
bufferuint256The buffer to apply to the collateral requirement for user


<none>uint256If nonzero (enough time has passed since last observation), the updated value for s_miniMedian with a new observation


Validates the solvency of user from tickData.

function _checkSolvency(address user, TokenId[] calldata positionIdList, uint96 tickData, uint256 buffer)


useraddressThe account to validate
positionIdListTokenId[]The list of positions to validate solvency for
tickDatauint96The packed tick data to check solvency at
bufferuint256The buffer to apply to the collateral requirement for user


Burns and handles the exercise of options.

function _burnAndHandleExercise(
bool commitLongSettled,
int24 tickLimitLow,
int24 tickLimitHigh,
TokenId tokenId,
uint128 positionSize,
address owner
returns (LeftRightSigned realizedPremia, LeftRightSigned[4] memory premiaByLeg, LeftRightSigned paidAmounts);


commitLongSettledboolWhether to commit the long premium that will be settled to storage (disabled during liquidations)
tickLimitLowint24The lower bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price
tickLimitHighint24The upper bound of an acceptable open interval for the ending price
tokenIdTokenIdThe option position to burn
positionSizeuint128The size of the option position, expressed in terms of the asset
owneraddressThe owner of the option position


realizedPremiaLeftRightSignedThe net premia paid/received from the option position
premiaByLegLeftRightSigned[4]The premia paid by the user for each leg of the option position
paidAmountsLeftRightSignedThe net amount of tokens paid after closing the position


Liquidates a distressed account. Will burn all positions and issue a bonus to the liquidator.

Will revert if liquidated account is solvent at one of the oracle ticks or if TWAP tick is too far away from the current tick.

function liquidate(TokenId[] calldata positionIdListLiquidator, address liquidatee, TokenId[] calldata positionIdList)


positionIdListLiquidatorTokenId[]List of positions owned by the liquidator
liquidateeaddressAddress of the distressed account
positionIdListTokenId[]List of positions owned by the user. Written as [tokenId1, tokenId2, ...]


Force the exercise of a single position. Exercisor will have to pay a fee to the force exercisee.

function forceExercise(
address account,
TokenId tokenId,
TokenId[] calldata positionIdListExercisee,
TokenId[] calldata positionIdListExercisor
) external;


accountaddressAddress of the distressed account
tokenIdTokenIdThe position to be force exercised; this position must contain at least one out-of-range long leg
positionIdListExerciseeTokenId[]Post-burn list of open positions in the exercisee's (account) account
positionIdListExercisorTokenId[]List of open positions in the exercisor's (msg.sender) account


Check whether an account is solvent at a given atTick with a collateral requirement of buffer/10_000 multiplied by the requirement of positionIdList.

Reverts if account is not solvent at all provided ticks and expectedSolvent == true, or if account is solvent at all ticks and !expectedSolvent.

function _checkSolvencyAtTicks(
address account,
TokenId[] calldata positionIdList,
int24 currentTick,
int24[] memory atTicks,
uint256 buffer,
bool expectedSolvent
) internal view;


accountaddressThe account to check solvency for
positionIdListTokenId[]The list of positions to check solvency for
currentTickint24The current tick of the Uniswap pool (needed for fee calculations)
atTicksint24[]An array of ticks to check solvency at
bufferuint256The buffer to apply to the collateral requirement
expectedSolventboolWhether the account is expected to be solvent (true) or insolvent (false) at all provided atTicks


Check whether an account is solvent at a given atTick with a collateral requirement of buffer/10_000 multiplied by the requirement of positionBalanceArray.

function _isAccountSolvent(
address account,
int24 atTick,
uint256[2][] memory positionBalanceArray,
LeftRightUnsigned shortPremium,
LeftRightUnsigned longPremium,
uint256 buffer
) internal view returns (bool);


accountaddressThe account to check solvency for
atTickint24The tick to check solvency at
positionBalanceArrayuint256[2][]A list of balances and pool utilization for each position, of the form [[tokenId0, balances0], [tokenId1, balances1], ...]
shortPremiumLeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of premium (prorated by available settled tokens) owed to the short legs of account
longPremiumLeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of premium owed by the long legs of account
bufferuint256The buffer to apply to the collateral requirement


<none>boolWhether the account is solvent at the given tick


Checks whether the current tick has deviated by > MAX_TICKS_DELTA from the slow oracle median tick.

function isSafeMode() public view returns (bool);


<none>boolWhether the current tick has deviated from the median by > MAX_TICKS_DELTA


Makes sure that the positions in the incoming user's list match the existing active option positions.

function _validatePositionList(address account, TokenId[] calldata positionIdList, uint256 offset) internal view;


accountaddressThe owner of the incoming list of positions
positionIdListTokenId[]The existing list of active options for the owner
offsetuint256The amount of positions from the end of the list to exclude from validation


Updates the hash for all positions owned by an account. This fingerprints the list of all incoming options with a single hash.

The outcome of this function will be to update the hash of positions. This is done as a duplicate/validation check of the incoming list O(N).

The positions hash is stored as the XOR of the keccak256 of each tokenId. Updating will XOR the existing hash with the new tokenId. The same update can either add a new tokenId (when minting an option), or remove an existing one (when burning it).

function _updatePositionsHash(address account, TokenId tokenId, bool addFlag) internal;


accountaddressThe owner of tokenId
tokenIdTokenIdThe option position
addFlagboolWhether to add tokenId to the hash (true) or remove it (false)


Get the address of the AMM pool connected to this Panoptic pool.

function univ3pool() external view returns (IUniswapV3Pool);


<none>IUniswapV3PoolAMM pool corresponding to this Panoptic pool


Get the collateral token corresponding to token0 of the AMM pool.

function collateralToken0() external view returns (CollateralTracker);


<none>CollateralTrackerCollateral token corresponding to token0 in the AMM


Get the collateral token corresponding to token1 of the AMM pool.

function collateralToken1() external view returns (CollateralTracker);


<none>CollateralTrackerCollateral token corresponding to token1 in the AMM


Computes and returns all oracle ticks.

function getOracleTicks()
returns (int24 currentTick, int24 fastOracleTick, int24 slowOracleTick, int24 latestObservation, uint256 medianData);


currentTickint24The current tick in the Uniswap pool
fastOracleTickint24The fast oracle tick computed as the median of the past N observations in the Uniswap Pool
slowOracleTickint24The slow oracle tick (either composed of Uniswap observations or tracked by s_miniMedian)
latestObservationint24The latest observation from the Uniswap pool
medianDatauint256The updated value for s_miniMedian (0 if MEDIAN_PERIOD not elapsed) if pokeMedian is called at the current state


Get the current number of open positions for an account.

function numberOfPositions(address user) external view returns (uint256);


useraddressThe account to query


<none>uint256Number of open positions for user


Get the tokenId position data for user.

function positionData(address user, TokenId tokenId)
returns (int24, int24, int24, int24, int256, int256, uint128);


useraddressThe account that owns tokenId
tokenIdTokenIdThe position to query


<none>int24currentTick at mint
<none>int24Fast oracle tick at mint
<none>int24Slow oracle tick at mint
<none>int24Last observed tick at mint
<none>int256Utilization of token0 at mint
<none>int256Utilization of token1 at mint
<none>uint128Size of the position


Get the oracle price used to check solvency in liquidations.

function getUniV3TWAP() internal view returns (int24 twapTick);


twapTickint24The current oracle price used to check solvency in liquidations


Ensure the effective liquidity in a given chunk is above a certain threshold.

function _checkLiquiditySpread(TokenId tokenId, uint256 leg, uint64 effectiveLiquidityLimitX32)
returns (uint256 totalLiquidity);


tokenIdTokenIdAn option position
leguint256A leg index of tokenId corresponding to a tickLower-tickUpper chunk
effectiveLiquidityLimitX32uint64Maximum amount of "spread" defined as removedLiquidity/netLiquidity for a new position denominated as X32 = (ratioLimit * 2^32)


totalLiquidityuint256The total liquidity deposited in that chunk: totalLiquidity = netLiquidity + removedLiquidity


Compute the premia collected for a single option position tokenId.

function _getPremia(TokenId tokenId, uint128 positionSize, address owner, bool computeAllPremia, int24 atTick)
returns (LeftRightSigned[4] memory premiaByLeg, uint256[2][4] memory premiumAccumulatorsByLeg);


tokenIdTokenIdThe option position
positionSizeuint128The number of contracts (size) of the option position
owneraddressThe holder of the tokenId option
computeAllPremiaboolWhether to compute accumulated premia for all legs held by the user (true), or just owed premia for long legs (false)
atTickint24The tick at which the premia is calculated -> use (atTick < type(int24).max) to compute it up to current block. atTick = type(int24).max will only consider fees as of the last on-chain transaction


premiaByLegLeftRightSigned[4]The amount of premia owed to the user for each leg of the position
premiumAccumulatorsByLeguint256[2][4]The amount of premia accumulated for each leg of the position


Settle unpaid premium for one legIndex on a position owned by owner.

Called by sellers on buyers of their chunk to increase the available premium for withdrawal (before closing their position).

This feature is only available when owner is solvent and has the requisite tokens to settle the premium.

function settleLongPremium(TokenId[] calldata positionIdList, address owner, uint256 legIndex) external;


positionIdListTokenId[]Exhaustive list of open positions for owner used for solvency checks where the tokenId to settle is placed at the last index
owneraddressThe owner of the option position to make premium payments on
legIndexuint256the index of the leg in tokenId that is to be collected on (must be isLong=1)


Adds collected tokens to s_settledTokens and adjusts s_grossPremiumLast for any liquidity added.

Always called after mintTokenizedPosition.

function _updateSettlementPostMint(
TokenId tokenId,
LeftRightUnsigned[4] memory collectedByLeg,
uint128 positionSize,
uint64 effectiveLiquidityLimitX32
) internal;


tokenIdTokenIdThe option position that was minted
collectedByLegLeftRightUnsigned[4]The amount of tokens collected in the corresponding chunk for each leg of the position
positionSizeuint128The size of the position, expressed in terms of the asset
effectiveLiquidityLimitX32uint64Maximum amount of "spread" defined as removedLiquidity/netLiquidity


Query the amount of premium available for withdrawal given a certain premiumOwed for a chunk.

Based on the ratio between settledTokens and the total premium owed to sellers in a chunk.

The ratio is capped at 1 (as the base ratio can be greater than one if some seller forfeits enough premium).

function _getAvailablePremium(
uint256 totalLiquidity,
LeftRightUnsigned settledTokens,
LeftRightUnsigned grossPremiumLast,
LeftRightUnsigned premiumOwed,
uint256[2] memory premiumAccumulators
) internal pure returns (LeftRightUnsigned);


totalLiquidityuint256The updated total liquidity amount for the chunk
settledTokensLeftRightUnsignedLeftRight accumulator for the amount of tokens that have been settled (collected or paid)
grossPremiumLastLeftRightUnsignedThe last values used with premiumAccumulators to compute the total premium owed to sellers
premiumOwedLeftRightUnsignedThe amount of premium owed to sellers in the chunk
premiumAccumulatorsuint256[2]The current values of the premium accumulators for the chunk


<none>LeftRightUnsignedThe amount of token0/token1 premium available for withdrawal


Query the total amount of liquidity sold in the corresponding chunk for a position leg.

totalLiquidity (total sold) = removedLiquidity + netLiquidity (in AMM).

function _getLiquidities(TokenId tokenId, uint256 leg)
returns (uint256 totalLiquidity, uint128 netLiquidity, uint128 removedLiquidity);


tokenIdTokenIdThe option position
leguint256The leg of the option position to get totalLiquidity for


totalLiquidityuint256The total amount of liquidity sold in the corresponding chunk for a position leg
netLiquidityuint128The amount of liquidity available in the corresponding chunk for a position leg
removedLiquidityuint128The amount of liquidity removed through buying in the corresponding chunk for a position leg


Updates settled tokens and grossPremiumLast for a chunk after a burn and returns premium info.

function _updateSettlementPostBurn(
address owner,
TokenId tokenId,
LeftRightUnsigned[4] memory collectedByLeg,
uint128 positionSize,
bool commitLongSettled
) internal returns (LeftRightSigned realizedPremia, LeftRightSigned[4] memory premiaByLeg);


owneraddressThe owner of the option position that was burnt
tokenIdTokenIdThe option position that was burnt
collectedByLegLeftRightUnsigned[4]The amount of tokens collected in the corresponding chunk for each leg of the position
positionSizeuint128The size of the position, expressed in terms of the asset
commitLongSettledboolWhether to commit the long premium that will be settled to storage


realizedPremiaLeftRightSignedThe amount of premia owed to the user
premiaByLegLeftRightSigned[4]The amount of premia owed to the user for each leg of the position



Emitted when an account is liquidated.

Need to unpack bonusAmounts to get raw numbers, which are always positive.

event AccountLiquidated(address indexed liquidator, address indexed liquidatee, LeftRightSigned bonusAmounts);


liquidatoraddressAddress of the caller liquidating the distressed account
liquidateeaddressAddress of the distressed/liquidatable account
bonusAmountsLeftRightSignedLeftRight encoding for the the bonus paid for token 0 (right slot) and 1 (left slot) from the Panoptic Pool to the liquidator


Emitted when a position is force exercised.

event ForcedExercised(
address indexed exercisor, address indexed user, TokenId indexed tokenId, LeftRightSigned exerciseFee


exercisoraddressAddress of the account that forces the exercise of the position
useraddressAddress of the owner of the liquidated position
tokenIdTokenIdTokenId of the liquidated position
exerciseFeeLeftRightSignedLeftRight encoding for the cost paid by the exercisor to force the exercise of the token; the cost for token 0 (right slot) and 1 (left slot) is represented as negative


Emitted when premium is settled independent of a mint/burn (e.g. during settleLongPremium).

event PremiumSettled(address indexed user, TokenId indexed tokenId, uint256 legIndex, LeftRightSigned settledAmounts);


useraddressAddress of the owner of the settled position
tokenIdTokenIdTokenId of the settled position
legIndexuint256The leg index of tokenId that the premium was settled for
settledAmountsLeftRightSignedLeftRight encoding for the amount of premium settled for token0 (right slot) and token1 (left slot)


Emitted when an option is burned.

event OptionBurnt(
address indexed recipient, uint128 positionSize, TokenId indexed tokenId, LeftRightSigned[4] premiaByLeg


recipientaddressUser that burnt the option
positionSizeuint128The number of contracts burnt, expressed in terms of the asset
tokenIdTokenIdTokenId of the burnt option
premiaByLegLeftRightSigned[4]LeftRight packing for the amount of premia settled for token0 (right) and token1 (left) for each leg of tokenId


Emitted when an option is minted.

event OptionMinted(
address indexed recipient, TokenId indexed tokenId, PositionBalance balanceData, LeftRightUnsigned commissions


recipientaddressUser that minted the option
tokenIdTokenIdTokenId of the created option
balanceDataPositionBalanceThe PositionBalance data for tokenId containing the number of contracts, pool utilizations, and ticks at mint
commissionsLeftRightUnsignedThe total amount of commissions (base rate + ITM spread) paid for token0 (right) and token1 (left)
Table of Contents