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Security & Audits

Panoptic has undergone numerous economic and security reviews by leading firms. The following reports are available for public review.

Smart Contract Audits


The final review of the Panoptic V1 Protocol report was completed by Code4rena on June 10, 2024 and found no High or Medium severity issues.

The Panoptic V1 protocol audit report was completed by Code4rena on April 22, 2024.

The Semi-Fungible Position Manager (SFPM) audit report was completed by Code4rena on December 11, 2023.

Trail of Bits

The invariant testing report was completed by Trail of Bits on June 4, 2024 and found no issues of any severity.


The second comprehensive smart contract audit report was completed by OpenZeppelin on December 27, 2023.


The initial smart contract audit report was completed by ABDK on April 26, 2023.

Economic Audits

Three Sigma

The second economic analysis report was completed by Three Sigma on May 21, 2024.


The initial economic analysis report was completed by Simtopia on March 7, 2023.