Protocol Parameters
Panoptic V1 and V1.1 have immutable parameters that factor into calculations for collateral requirements, oracle prices, streamia multipliers, and other key aspects of the protocol. The current parameters for pools created by the Panoptic V1 and V1.1 factories on Ethereum Mainnet are outlined below.
Collateral Parameters
These parameters are used to calculate the collateral requirements for options traders on Panoptic. Each Panoptic instance has two collateral vaults: one for each token in the Uniswap pool. Both vaults use the same collateral parameter values, but have separate pool utilization metrics. For any given option leg, the collateral ratio used will correspond to the pool utilization in the collateral vault for the Uniswap (token0 or token1) tokenType
parameter in that leg.
uint256 immutable SELL_COLLATERAL_RATIO (bps) = 2_000 = 20%
The seller collateral ratio is the ratio of the collateral required to sell an option to the option's notional value (amount borrowed from PLPs).
The collateral ratio remains at the parameter value for options minted when the pool utilization is between 0
. For options minted utilization=TARGET_POOL_UTIL
and utilization=SATURATED_POOL_UTIL
, the collateral ratio increases linearly to 100%.
uint256 immutable BUY_COLLATERAL_RATIO (bps) = 1_000 = 10%
The buyer collateral ratio is the ratio of the collateral required to buy an option to the option's notional value (amount of tokens held against borrowed liquidity chunk). The collateral ratio remains at the parameter value for options minted when the pool utilization is between 0
. For options minted between utilization=TARGET_POOL_UTIL
and utilization=SATURATED_POOL_UTIL
, the collateral ratio decreases linearly to BUY_COLLATERAL_RATIO / 2
uint256 immutable TARGET_POOL_UTIL (bps) = 5_000 = 50%
The target pool utilization acts as the inflection point for SELL_COLLATERAL_RATIO
. Once the pool utilization reaches this value, collateral requirements for sellers increase (discouraging further borrowing/utilization of tokens from the pool) and collateral requirements for buyers decrease (encouraging the return of borrowed funds deployed by sellers as liquidity in Uniswap to the collateral vault).
uint256 immutable SATURATED_POOL_UTIL (bps) = 9_000 = 90%
The saturated pool utilization is the point at which options sellers are required to post 100% of the option's notional value as collateral, and the point at which option buyers reach their minimum collateral requirement. Once the pool utilization reaches this point, the collateral requirements will maximally incentivize positions that decrease the pool utilization and maximally discourage positions that increase it.
uint256 immutable BP_DECREASE_BUFFER (bps) = 13_333 = 133.33%
This parameter is a multiplier applied to the total collateral requirement for a user during solvency checks after they perform actions which may decrease their buying power, namely, minting options or force exercising another user. The buffer ensures that users cannot cause their own account to go into a liquidatable state; insolvency should only occur after a significant price movement or long premium accumulation.
Streamia parameters
These parameters help to determine the maximum amount of liquidity that can be borrowed from option sellers, and the multiplier over Uniswap fees owed by option buyers to option sellers.
uint256 immutable VEGOID = 2
is a parameter used to modify the premium multiplier equation: lower values of VEGOID
result in an increased rate of increase in the premium multiplier as the percentage of sold liquidity borrowed in a chunk increases, while higher values of VEGOID
result in a more gradual premium multiplier increase alongside increases in liquidity utilization.
The premium multiplier (over fees earned by an identical Uniswap position) paid by option buyers in a given liquidity chunk (consisting of strike
, width
, and tokenType
) increases along with the percentage of sold liquidity borrowed in that chunk according to the equation linked above.
uint256 immutable MAX_SPREAD (x2^32) = 9 * (2**32) = 9x
defines the maximum value of removedLiquidity/remainingLiquidity
(e.g. MAX_SPREAD=9x
corresponds to a maximum
overall liquidity utilization). This serves to limit the multiplier on the premium paid by option buyers to option sellers: according to the premium multiplier equation, the maximum premium multiplier for a MAX_SPREAD
of 9x
is 3.25x
Fee parameters
These parameters define the fees corresponding to various actions on the Panoptic protocol.
uint256 immutable COMMISSION_FEE (bps) = 20 = 0.2%
The commission fee is the base fee charged on the notional value of both purchased and sold options when they are minted.
This fee is distributed to PLPs in the corresponding tokenType
vault, serving as interest payments for tokens borrowed by option sellers. To read more about our commission fee structure for options trades, see the commissions page.
The commission fee is also charged on PLP deposits and distributed to existing PLPs to discourage the capture of commission fees through just-in-time liquidity provision.
uint256 immutable ITM_SPREAD_MULTIPLIER (bps) = 20_000 = 200%
The ITM spread fee is defined by ITM_SPREAD_MULTIPLIER * uniswapPoolFee
, and is charged on the (absolute) intrinsic value of in-the-money option legs when they are minted.
, this fee also compensates PLPs for the risk of providing liquidity to the protocol. The fee is waived for options that do not perform ITM swaps (either by a user's choice to mint a covered position, or for options minted while the protocol is in safe mode).
ITM_SPREAD_FEE (Panoptic V1.1)
uint256 immutable ITM_SPREAD_FEE (bps) = 20 = 0.2%
This fee serves the same role in Panoptic V1.1 as the ITM spread fee does in Panoptic V1, but it remains constant across all pools rather than being determined by a multiple of the Uniswap pool fee.
int256 immutable FORCE_EXERCISE_COST (bps) = -128 = 1.28%
The force exercise cost is the fee paid to the force exercisee by the force exercisor. The fee is charged on the notional value of the long legs in the position, and decreases by a factor of two for each half-leg-width the current tick is away from the strike (the leg with the largest amount of distance in half-leg-widths is used for this calculation). This discourages force exercising positions with legs that have just become out-of-range, but allows users with far-the-money positions to be force exercised cheaply to free up their liquidity so it can be moved closer to the current price.
Oracle parameters
Panoptic does not use any external oracles, but instead utilizes onchain price observations from Uniswap V3-style oracles to generate manipulation-resistant price feeds. These parameters define the configuration for each of the price feeds that Panoptic constructs from Uniswap observations.
uint256 immutable CARDINALITY_INCREASE = 51
The cardinality increase is the amount of Uniswap observation slots the Panoptic factory initializes (up to) on the oracle pool when a Panoptic instance is deployed.
This value is determined by the average blocktime of the deployed chain; if observations are made at the maximum frequency (once per block), the cardinality should be sufficient to guarantee that the oldest observation in the pool is at least TWAP_WINDOW
seconds old.
Note that this guarantee only begins to hold once all the initialized observations are filled for the first time, so a Panoptic instance may not be safe to use until CARDINALITY_INCREASE - PREVIOUS_CARDINALITY
observations are taken post-deployment.
uint256 immutable TWAP_WINDOW (seconds) = 600 = 10 minutes
The TWAP window defines the minimum window of time over which to calculate the TWAP price for solvency checks during a liquidation. The oldest Uniswap observation should be at least TWAP_WINDOW
seconds old.
FAST_ORACLE_PERIOD (Ethereum Mainnet)
uint256 immutable FAST_ORACLE_PERIOD = 1
The fast oracle period defines spacing between each observation used in the fast oracle price feed.
uint256 immutable FAST_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 3
The fast oracle cardinality defines the number of observations, starting at the latest observation and separated by FAST_ORACLE_PERIOD
, over which to compute the median fast oracle price. This is the only price used to determine solvency during all protocol actions besides liquidations, except when the sum of the squares of the deltas between the fast, slow, current, and last observed tick exceeds MAX_TICKS_DELTA^2
bool immutable SLOW_ORACLE_UNISWAP_MODE = false
This parameter determines which oracle type to use for the "slow" oracle price on non-liquidation solvency checks.
If false, an 8-slot internal median array is used to compute the "slow" oracle price.
This oracle is updated with the last oracle observation during mintOptions
if MEDIAN_PERIOD has elapsed past the last observation.
If true, the "slow" oracle price is instead computed on-the-fly from SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY
oracle observations (spaced SLOW_ORACLE_PERIOD
observations apart).
uint256 immutable MEDIAN_PERIOD (seconds) = 60 = 1 minute
The median period is the minimum amount of time permitted between internal median array updates.
SLOW_ORACLE_PERIOD (Ethereum Mainnet)
uint256 immutable SLOW_ORACLE_PERIOD = 5
This slow oracle period defines the spacing between each observation used in the slow oracle price feed. Note: this configuration of the slow oracle is currently disabled (SLOW_ORACLE_UNISWAP_MODE = false
uint256 immutable SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 9
The slow oracle cardinality defines the number of observations, starting at the latest observation and separated by SLOW_ORACLE_PERIOD
, over which to compute the median slow oracle price.
Note: this configuration of the slow oracle is currently disabled (SLOW_ORACLE_UNISWAP_MODE = false
uint256 immutable MAX_TICKS_DELTA = 953
is a threshold for the sum of the squares of the cumulative deltas between the fast, slow, current, and last observed tick.
If one or more oracle ticks are stale enough that this threshold is exceeded during a solvency check, the protocol will enforce that the user is solvent at all oracle ticks (as opposed to just the fastOracleTick
uint256 immutable MAX_TWAP_DELTA_LIQUIDATION = 513
defines the maximum allowed delta between the currentTick and the Uniswap TWAP tick (TWAP_WINDOW
) during a liquidation (e.g. at MAX_TWAP_DELTA_LIQUIDATION = 513
this corresponds to ~5% down or ~5.26% up). Preventing liquidations when this threshold is exceeded ensures that manipulation of the currentTick
is limited, reducing the extent to which a liquidation can occur at inaccurate prices in an unfavorable direction to the liquidatee.
Miscellaneous parameters
These parameters define various other aspects of the Panoptic protocol.
MAX_OPEN_LEGS (Ethereum Mainnet)
uint256 immutable MAX_OPEN_LEGS = 25
defines the maximum number of legs permitted across all open positions for an account on an individual Panoptic pool at any given time. Each position, created through a mintOptions
call, is a tokenId
that can contain between 1 and 4 legs. All legs contribute toward the limit, regardless of how they are distributed across an account's positions. This limit ensures that an account can always be liquidated within the gas limit; the value may be raised or lowered on different chains depending on what that limit is.
The approximate minimum amount of tokens it should require to fill maxLiquidityPerTick
at the minimum and maximum enforced ticks for a liquidity chunk in the SFPM.
uint256 immutable MIN_ENFORCED_TICKFILL_COST = 2100 * 10**18 = 2100 ether
NATIVE_ENFORCED_TICKFILL_COST (Ethereum Mainnet, Panoptic V1.1)
The approximate minimum amount of native tokens it should require to fill maxLiquidityPerTick
at the minimum and maximum enforced ticks for a liquidity chunk in the SFPM. The value of this parameter may vary for chains with a native token other than ETH.
uint256 immutable NATIVE_ENFORCED_TICKFILL_COST = 2100 * 10**18 = 2100 ether
The multiplier, in basis points, to apply to the token supply and set as the enforced tick fill cost if greater than MIN_ENFORCED_TICKFILL_COST
. In Panoptic V1.1, this multiplier does not apply to pools paired with the native token.
uint256 immutable SUPPLY_MULTIPLIER_TICKFILL (bps) = 10_000 = 100%