Author: Axicon Labs Inc, credit to Uniswap Labs https://github.com/Uniswap/v3-core under GPL-2.0 license
This interface defines the set of functions called by Panoptic on its external oracle contract.
The interface is compatible with Uniswap V3 pools, but can also be implemented by a custom oracle contract.
The 0th storage slot in the oracle stores many values, and is exposed as a single method to save gas when accessed externally.
function slot0()
returns (
uint160 sqrtPriceX96,
int24 tick,
uint16 observationIndex,
uint16 observationCardinality,
Name | Type | Description |
sqrtPriceX96 | uint160 | The current price of the oracle as a sqrt(currency1/currency0) Q64.96 value |
tick | int24 | The current tick of the oracle, i.e. according to the last tick transition that was run. This value may not always be equal to SqrtTickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio(sqrtPriceX96) if the price is on a tick boundary |
observationIndex | uint16 | The index of the last oracle observation that was written |
observationCardinality | uint16 | The current maximum number of observations stored in the oracle |
<none> | uint16 | |
<none> | uint8 | |
<none> | bool |
Returns data about a specific observation index
function observations(uint256 index)
returns (uint32 blockTimestamp, int56 tickCumulative, uint160 secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128, bool initialized);
Name | Type | Description |
index | uint256 | The element of the observations array to fetch |
Name | Type | Description |
blockTimestamp | uint32 | The timestamp of the observation |
tickCumulative | int56 | The tick multiplied by seconds elapsed for the life of the pool as of the observation timestamp |
secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128 | uint160 | The seconds per in range liquidity for the life of the pool as of the observation timestamp |
initialized | bool | Whether the observation has been initialized and the values are safe to use |
Returns the cumulative tick and liquidity as of each timestamp secondsAgo
from the current block timestamp
To get a time weighted average tick or liquidity-in-range, you must call this with two values, one representing the beginning of the period and another for the end of the period. E.g., to get the last hour time-weighted average tick, you must call it with secondsAgos = [3600, 0].
The time weighted average tick represents the geometric time weighted average price of the pool, in log base sqrt(1.0001) of currency1 / currency0. The TickMath library can be used to go from a tick value to a ratio.
function observe(uint32[] calldata secondsAgos)
returns (int56[] memory tickCumulatives, uint160[] memory secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s);
Name | Type | Description |
secondsAgos | uint32[] | From how long ago each cumulative tick and liquidity value should be returned |
Name | Type | Description |
tickCumulatives | int56[] | Cumulative tick values as of each secondsAgos from the current block timestamp |
secondsPerLiquidityCumulativeX128s | uint160[] | Cumulative seconds per liquidity-in-range value as of each secondsAgos from the current block timestamp |
Increase the maximum number of price and liquidity observations that this oracle will store
function increaseObservationCardinalityNext(uint16 observationCardinalityNext) external;
Name | Type | Description |
observationCardinalityNext | uint16 | The desired minimum number of observations for the oracle to store |