Author: Axicon Labs Limited
This library provides constants used in Panoptic.
State Variables
Fixed point multiplier: 2**96
uint256 internal constant FP96 = 0x1000000000000000000000000;
Minimum possible price tick in a Uniswap V3 pool
int24 internal constant MIN_V3POOL_TICK = -887272;
Maximum possible price tick in a Uniswap V3 pool
int24 internal constant MAX_V3POOL_TICK = 887272;
Minimum possible sqrtPriceX96 in a Uniswap V3 pool
uint160 internal constant MIN_V3POOL_SQRT_RATIO = 4295128739;
Maximum possible sqrtPriceX96 in a Uniswap V3 pool
uint160 internal constant MAX_V3POOL_SQRT_RATIO = 1461446703485210103287273052203988822378723970342;
Parameter that determines which oracle type to use for the "slow" oracle price on non-liquidation solvency checks.
If false, an 8-slot internal median array is used to compute the "slow" oracle price.
This oracle is updated with the last Uniswap observation during mintOptions
if MEDIAN_PERIOD has elapsed past the last observation.
If true, the "slow" oracle price is instead computed on-the-fly from 9 Uniswap observations (spaced 5 observations apart) irrespective of the frequency of mintOptions
bool internal constant SLOW_ORACLE_UNISWAP_MODE = false;
The minimum amount of time, in seconds, permitted between internal TWAP updates.
uint256 internal constant MEDIAN_PERIOD = 60;
Amount of Uniswap observations to include in the "fast" oracle price.
uint256 internal constant FAST_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 3;
Amount of observation indices to skip in between each observation for the "fast" oracle price.
Note that the minimum total observation time is determined by the blocktime and may need to be adjusted by chain.
Uniswap observations snapshot the last block's closing price at the first interaction with the pool in a block.
In this case, if there is an interaction every block, the "fast" oracle can consider 3 consecutive block end prices (min=36 seconds on Ethereum).
uint256 internal constant FAST_ORACLE_PERIOD = 1;
Amount of Uniswap observations to include in the "slow" oracle price (in Uniswap mode).
uint256 internal constant SLOW_ORACLE_CARDINALITY = 9;
Amount of observation indices to skip in between each observation for the "slow" oracle price.
Structured such that the minimum total observation time is 9 minutes on Ethereum.
uint256 internal constant SLOW_ORACLE_PERIOD = 5;